Become an Affiliate Member
Affiliate Membership is for individuals working in a real estate industry (i.e. mortgage lending, home inspection, advertising, social media, banking, title service, pest control, home builder, interior design etc.), but not as a REALTOR®.
Affiliate Members are directly connected to a network of the more than 3,600 REALTORS® of the Greater Philadelphia Association of REALTORS® and countless opportunities to grow your business.
Some member benefits include: Inclusion of marketing materials in the new member information packet; Participation in networking events and educational seminars for REALTOR® members; Member rate for exhibitor table at annual general membership meeting; One full member roster; Opportunity to sponsor events; Opportunity to serve on committees, except Executive and Grievance/Professional Standards; FREE six month web advertisement; Company’s business information can be searched on GPAR website categorized by specialty.
Affiliate membership dues are $250.00 annually, prorated quarterly for new applicants.