Invest in RPAC
Please invest in your industry by making your RPAC investment today!
Individually, it’s difficult to change things. But together, REALTORS® can influence decisions made in Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Washington, D.C.
How do I invest in RPAC?
- Click here to make an investment online
- Mail your personal check made payable to “RPAC” to: GPAR,123 S. Broad Street, Suite 600, Philadelphia, PA 19109
- Call GPAR at 215-423-9381 and make an investment using your credit card
- You can make a voluntary contribution when you pay your annual dues
- You can make contributions throughout the year
- You can participate in RPAC fundraisers
Please note there are federal restrictions in terms of the amount that can be contributed to RPAC per election cycle. We will make sure that we guide you throughout the process.
Who may be solicited for REALTORS® Political Action Committee contributions?
According to federal election law, RPAC can solicit only individual members — i.e., non-corporate members of the National Association REALTORS® (NAR) and their families, which includes GPAR. The term “members” means all individuals who currently satisfy the requirements for membership in any one of the local, state, and/or the NAR and regularly pay dues. Executive, administrative and management personnel of the local, state and/or national association, though they may not pay association dues, are also considered under the NAR Constitution to be association members and may be solicited.
Is this contribution tax deductible?
No. Contributions used for political purposes are not tax deductible on your federal income taxes
Can I earmark money to a party or any individual candidate?
No. Under federal election law, the earmarking of contributions is illegal. See information below on how contribution decisions are made.
Who may the National REALTORS® Political action Committee contribute to?
Under the cooperative agreements in effect between the National RPAC and the states, the responsibility for making contributions to federal candidates is assigned to the National level, while state REALTORS® Political Action Committees decide which state and local candidates to support.
How do the Trustees decide to make contributions to candidates?
The National Trustee’s policy is to act only on requests sent from state associations and signed off on by the state trustees. Once the National Trustees receive these requests, they have four options: Amend, Approve, Deny, or Defer.
Upon what criteria does the National REALTORS® Political Action Committee base their decisions to support federal candidates?
(1) Recommendations from state RPAC Trustees;
(2) NAR Congressional voting records and analyses of incumbent U.S. Congressmen; and
(3) Campaign intelligence reports provided by the NAR political and legislative staff.
RPAC Investment Levels
NAR RPAC Hall of Fame
Recognizes those REALTORS® investing at least $25,000 in cumulative monetary contributions over a lifetime of giving to RPAC.
PA RPAC Hall of Fame
Recognizes those REALTORS® investing at least $10,000 in cumulative monetary contributions over a lifetime of giving to RPAC.
Investment Categories
- Platinum ‘R’ Membership –$10,000 annual minimum; $5,000 to sustain
- Golden ‘R’ Membership – $5,000 annual minimum; $2,000 to sustain
- Crystal ‘R’ Membership – $2,500 annual minimum; $1,500 to sustain
- Sterling ‘R’ Membership – $1,000 annual minimum
- Governor’s Club Membership – $500 – $ 999.99 annual minimum
- Capitol Club Membership – $250 – $ 499.99 annual minimum
- $99 Club Membership – $99 – $ 249.99 annual minimum
- RPAC Membership – $35 – $ 98.99 annual minimum
NAR President’s Circle
The President’s Circle is an influential group of REALTORS® who contribute directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates at the federal level. Click here for more information on the NAR REALTOR® Action Center website.